

Von 斌 虞

  • Kategorie: Lifestyle
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2019-04-15
  • Aktuelle Version: 1.2.13
  • Bewertung für Erwachsene: 4+
  • Dateigrösse: 2.86 MB
  • Entwickler: 斌 虞
  • Kompatibilität: Benötigt iOS 10.13 oder später.


Taihaa Trustable, reliable, informative. Fate controlled by self's hands, but you still can refer something. It seems simple at the first glance of the app, but actually the inside of it is extremely complex. A serious, high precision fate number analysis engine, a serious app developed for serious analysis. Differed from those un-serious something, inferior vulgar something, they're not rigorous, serious! Accurate lunar calendar and fate numbers calculation is very complex, extremely complex, requires tremendous astronomical computation, beyond most people's imagination, not only huge number of data and rare materials required, but also very time-consuming manual investigation works required. If someone can do it, do accurate number computation, at least, almost be a mathematician, astronomer and an expert on different calendars, including Julian, Gregory and Lunar calendar. Incorrect lunar number calculation, results incorrect fate bone weight calculation, incorrect fate pattern analysis, incorrect fate inferences processed, incorrect big luck years calculation, etc. The calculation basis is wrong, all of those inferences are wrong. The Story Why develop such a frivolous app? Yes, it's not serious at the first glance, but the answer is no when you study it more. Can't believe, developing such an app, the developer spent many years to continually collect materials and deeply researching. The more you learned, the less trustiness about those algorithm and words they're, you'll throw away almost all of them. The developer of the app never have any interesting in online similar stuff or app, and never try any of them. But, sometimes, family members and friends, and the developer himself, require such type of info, really require such type of info from a reliable channel, book or tool strongly, but unfortunately, there's very rare, and even can't find a reliable one, because the first essential is, they're not trustable, rigorous and serious. 小巧又強悍的算命App,您可以使用本App為小孩,家人或朋友計算出「命數分析報告」,列印出精美的紙質報告,供娛樂和參考,更好地,深入地了解小孩,自己,家人和朋友,克服先天弱點,自強優點,為自我分析和自我完善, 以及家庭,婚姻和事業提供有價值的實用信息。該軟體純屬休閒娛樂性質,切勿盲目迷信。 本App基於一個超級小巧又強悍的「命數分析引擎」而開發,該引擎特意為嵌入式系統而設計,並完全採用ANSI C開發,提供命數骨重計算、命理相關基本資訊和相應分析,如出生時日五行屬性、性格為人、先天命勢、命格命局、大運格局和年份、流年運勢、命局命格分析等相關資訊。開發該工具軟體以方便使用者進行便捷的命理計算和分析。 用戶祇需點"列印報告"即可快速列印出精美報告。體積極小(執行檔加資源小於2MB),可快捷地嵌入各種產品,如消費娛樂設備之嵌入式系統,用戶祇需掃碼即可快速列印出精美PDF報告,界面簡潔。該引擎雖為娛樂目的而開發,但卻極其嚴肅和嚴謹,力求報告的準確性,為用戶提供準確,實用而有價值的參考信息。 命弱命強唔緊要,搵錢做嘢行正路。 天生我材必有用,貴富由人靠勤勞。 心性唔正佳人去,品行端正良緣來。 衰運爛命皆可改,養性修身福壽長。 平和心性天地寬,與人為善好運來。

